Thinking Maps - The Power of Active Learning
Presentation - Monday, February 26 - 2:45 pm - 3:45
Presenter: Marjann Ball, Ed.D.
Think critically and creatively with hands-on science experiments and technology projects. Powered by Thinking Maps, these activities are successful ways to rigorously engage students in classrooms on a daily basis. Dr. Marjann Ball from Central Creativity, a learning resource center in Laurel, will lead this interactive workshop.
Dr. Marjann Ball has been an educator for 40 years, working with students from pre-K through 12th grade. For 25 years, she taught critical thinking at Jones County Junior College and helped implement Thinking Maps into JCJC’s nursing program. Currently, she is the Thinking Maps representative and consultant for schools in Mississippi and Alabama. In addition to conducting districtwide workshops for Thinking Maps, she has recently opened Central Creativity where K-12 students learn to harness the power of critical and creative thinking strategies through project-based learning activities powered by Thinking Maps.