It is time to RENEW or JOIN PREPS! Since coming to WCU, we have signficantly lowered the membership rate and have added many new benefits that include:
Marshall Memo - Weekly updates on the latest journal articles about current trends in Education provided to Superintendents to share with their faculty.
School Law Updates - Monthly school law updates provided to all school administrators in the district.
Membership to MAPE (Mississippi Association of Partners in Education). - PREPS pays your membership to this organization. MAPE provdies many opportunites for you including helping you with connecting with your local businesses. Their Governor's Awards highlight partnerships between Education and Business. www.mapie.org
Discounted rates for PREPS CEO Leadership Academy.
Discounted rates for PREPS yearly conference as well as consideration for PREPS awards.
In addition to the benefits listed above, we have a great network of school leaders that work to share positive messages about Mississippi Public Schools. Join the majority, join PREPS today!