Snapshot of the PREPS Winter Trimester
Open Registration for Partnership Conference - Nov. 1
Feb. 25-26 Hattiesburg Convention Center
$750- 5 Participants PLUS Job Fair Table and Ad for
the district in our Program . - Includes PREPS Luncheon and Governor's Award
Luncheon - Discounts for additional participants
Keynotes by Kim Marshall, author of the Marshal Memo
Anthony Colannino, Growth Mindset
Open Registration for Novice Teacher Symposium - Nov 1
Jan. 12, Saturday - Highland Bluff Elementary, Brandon
Keynote and Breakouts - Free to PREPS teachers, Free CEUs - WCU
Sponsored by PREPS, MPE, and CEEDAR
Vendor- Middle Level Fall Conference, Jackson - Nov. 4-6
Know your why! Empowering Students
Sponsor- Sharing What Works - Teacher Conference, Nov.- 7-9, Vicksburg
Keynote - Dr. Robert Balfanz, Professor Johns Hopkins University
Vendor - Mississippi Literacy Conference, November 28-30, 2019, Biloxi
Tackling Literacy for Every Learner
CEO Leadership Academy - Session 3 - Dec. 3- 4, 2018 Jackson
Session 4 - Jan. 28-29, 2019 Meridian
Session 5 - Feb. 24-26, 2019 Hattiesburg
Vendor - MASS - Winter Meeting January 27-30, 2019 Jackson
We are continuing to offer free PLC/school culture surveys for all PREPS schools and a support system for novice teachers. The Marshall Memo should arrive weekly to superintendents and CEO Leadership Academy participants to share research with faculty. The school law updates should arrive to all school leaders every month.
Check out our BLOG at for updates.