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JOIN US August 25, 2020 at 1 PM CT  - GET CONNECTED NOW - We are very to excited to have our own Sup

COVID-19 has highlighted the existing disparities in broadband access for rural Mississippi students and underserved communities, more commonly called the “digital divide”. Join us in the conversation to find solutions for NOW, and to outline ways we can work toward bridging the gap for the FUTURE.

This opportunity is open to PREPS/MSREA Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Principals, and Technology Directors.

During this panel discussion, we will explore:

  • The impact of the digital divide on rural students/underserved communities and the urgency for action, particularly in the time of COVID-19.

  • The Connect Americans Now coalition and our mission to support technology neutral solutions to completely eliminate the digital divide.

  • Solutions to bridge the digital divide and actions we can take now in our MS Public Schools.

Guest Panelists: Jon Conradi, Outreach Director, Connect Americans Now, Dr. Allen Pratt, Executive Director of the National Rural Association, Superintendent Wayne Rodolfich - Pascagoula -Gautier School District, and Terrell Knight, C-SPIRE.

Facilitator: Dr. Devon Brenner - Co-Editor of The Rural Educator

This webinar is sponsored by MSREA - Mississippi Rural Education Association at PREPS - For more information about MSREA email .

Connect Americans Now is a coalition of more than 270 organizations and companies representing voices for agriculture, healthcare, education, small business, technology, veterans, rural advocacy and more – committed to completely eliminating the digital divide by supporting a mixed-technology approach that leverages the full potential of every tool in the nation’s toolbox.

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